Weird sounds and onomatopoeia
Strange things I hear, even stranger they sound. It hits me that every sound I hear is nearly impossible for an ordinary man or woman to produce from their mouth.
There is language which helps us communicate. But the very concept of sound we hear, can we even replicate exactly what it sounds like?
What strikes me is that we have lived for thousands of years by creating a unique family of sounds from our mouth that corresponds to almost nothing in the natural order of things. Yes, a laughing hyena sounds like a high-pitched human laughter or a parrot can be trained to talk like a human but how does natural sound ever be replicated by us?
We have musical instruments made from other materials that require a certain bodily contact like the fretting of a guitar, the pipes of a trombone, or a percussionist beating down the snares of a drum. It is as if humankind evolved a whole new set of sounds and never really bothered to understand how sounds can be replicated.
Tribal bird calls, sure, weird warning signs, game, music using wood, bring it on! But all these are mere replications of our speech. A tempo to our vocal distortions in the air. A beat to our inner music.
But how do you create a new sound? How do you create a new auditory sensation? How do you fundamentally expand the realm and the frequency of sound that a human ear is capable of hearing? Why did our auditory capacity evolve as it did beyond the survival training and conditioning?
Strange questions I wonder. Stranger puzzles, I muse. Are these mere denials of a man lost in his own thoughts that he cannot just accept any evidence thrown at him? Or is there anything beyond what we can perceive and is there a way our ears can pick these up one fine day?